Ozymandias watchmen comic
Ozymandias watchmen comic

ozymandias watchmen comic

Is he a really dark Anti-Hero or simply an awful person with some capacity of good who in his later years came to regret the terrible things he did out of a fear of Dying Alone but believes he's beyond redemption? We never see him do anything remotely heroic, despite having been on a superhero team. But every other time we see him in the comic, he's cheerfully committing atrocities and keeping on going - murdering a woman carrying his child, attempting to rape Sally Jupiter (the first Silk Spectre) and possibly later murdering another of his teammates. When he found out about Adrian's plan, he has such a breakdown he asked for forgiveness in front of his old enemy, Moloch, in tears and tried to justify what horrible things he did.

ozymandias watchmen comic

A psychopathic, alienated, paranoid vigilante with a Madonna-Whore Complex? An intelligent, uncompromising man, who is The Last DJ in a world of sell-outs and compromised heroes? A bit of both? Or simply a damaged man whose mental growth was stunted by a bad childhood and led him to prefer the black-and-white worldview of a vigilante to the more gray world of adult responsibilities that ex-supers like Dan Dreiberg and Laurie Juspeczyck have to deal with, as well as the surviving Minutemen and ex-villains like Moloch who he repeatedly insults and talks down to?

ozymandias watchmen comic

Adrian Veidt claims that he would be a benevolent Shadow Dictator but given the appendix and subsidiary material that details his preemptive post-Squid business plans, one wonders how much self-interest and capitalist wealth accumulation factored in his plan, since he stands to benefit materially and politically from his own plot at the expense of millions of people and several of his employees. Interpretations of him vary from as a Well-Intentioned Extremist man of principle to another self-deluding super-villain with a God complex.

  • Alternative Character Interpretation: Are the masks just self-gratifying vigilantes, or misunderstood heroes who were then prosecuted for keeping the population safe? Or some of each?.
  • Dan's got some baggage, but it's normal, sane baggage. It doesn't hurt that he and his Love Interest Laurie are, despite the uber- deconstructive nature of the story, the only two heroes in it that would fit in in a "normal" comic just as well.
  • Adorkable: Dan's based on Ted Kord, and therefore also fits.

  • Ozymandias watchmen comic